+91 0240-2983061
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Akshay Selection

  • Plant Structure  :  Strong erect with dense plant
  • Sowing Time       :  May – Aug
  • Maturity               :  90-100 days after transplanting
  • Bulb Shape          :  Flattish globe shape with more uniform size
  • Bulb Colour         :  Attractive Shiny Red
  • Bulb Weight        :  90-100gm (Average)
  • Pungency             :  Medium
  • Storability            :  Medium

Prime Red

  • Plant Structure  :  Strong erect with dense plant
  • Sowing Time       :  May – Aug
  • Maturity               :  90-100 days after transplanting
  • Bulb Shape          :  Flattish globe shape with more uniform size
  • Bulb Colour         :  Attractive Shiny Dark Red
  • Bulb Weight        :  100-110gm (Average)
  • Pungency             :  Medium
  • Storability            :  Medium

Super Fursungi

  • Plant Structure  :  Strong erect with dense plant
  • Sowing Time       :  Sep – Nov
  • Maturity               :  115-120 days after transplanting
  • Bulb Shape          :  Attractive globe shape & more uniformity
  • Bulb Colour         :  Attractive Shiny Light Red
  • Bulb Weight        :  100-110gm (Average)
  • Storability            :  6-7 Months


  • Suitable for rabi season
  • Very less bolting & spiliting

Light Red

  • Plant Structure  :  Strong erect with dense plant
  • Sowing Time       :  Sep – Nov
  • Maturity               :  120-130 days after transplanting
  • Bulb Shape          :  Attractive flattish globe shape
  • Bulb Colour         :  Attractive Shiny Light Red
  • Bulb Weight        :  90-100gm (Average)
  • Storability            :  6-7 Months


  • Suitable for rabi season
  • Very less bolting & spiliting


  • Plant Structure  :  Strong erect with dense plant
  • Sowing Time       :  May – July
  • Maturity               :  80-90 days after transplanting
  • Bulb Shape          :  Attractive Globe
  • Bulb Colour         :  Attractive Dark Red Colour
  • Bulb Weight        :  90-100 gm (Average)


  • Suitable for rainy
  • Early winter season