+91 0240-2983061
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Himpari - 312

  • Plant Type    : Semi erect, Medium plant with Blue Green Leaves
  • Maturity  : 55-60 Days
  • Curd Type   : Dome shaped & Compact
  • Self-Cover Ability : Moderate.
  • Curd Colour : Milky White
  • Avg. Curd Weight   : 500-800gm
  • Wider Sowing window, Moderate tolerance to good Xcc tolerance
Sowing Window
Feb - MarMP
Feb - AprW-UP
Mar - AprMH
Mar - MayMNKRT, RJ
May - JunCH
Jun - JulyUP, BR, JH
Julu - AugAS, OR, WB, BR


  • Plant Type    : Semi erect, Medium plant with Blue Green Leaves
  • Maturity  :  55-60 Days
  • Curd Type   :  Dome shaped & Compact
  • Self-Cover Ability :  Excellent.
  • Curd Colour :  Fresh White
  • Avg. Curd Weight   : 800gm to 1kg
  • Wider Sowing window, Moderate tolerance to good Xcc tolerance
Sowing Window
May-15th, JulyMH
15th July to 15th AugGJ, BR, CG, Est UP, WB, OR
JulyWest Up, PUN,HR, RJ, MP
July - AugAS, OR, WB


  • Plant Type    : Semi erect, Medium plant with Blue Green Leaves
  • Maturity  : 75-80 Days
  • Curd Type   : Dome shaped & Compact
  • Self-Cover Ability : Excellent.
  • Curd Colour : Fresh White
  • Avg. Curd Weight   :  1.25 – 1.5 Kg
  • Wider Sowing window, Moderate tolerance to good Xcc tolerance
Sowing  Window
Sept - NovPB, HR, UP, RJ, GJ, MP, BR, JH, WB, AS
Oct - NovMH