+91 0240-2983061
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Aliya (Research)

  • Plant Structure  :  Tall Erect Plant

    First Picking  :  42 – 45 days after sowing

    Internodal Length  :  7 – 7.5cm (Medium Internodal with 4-5 branches)

    Fruit Color  :  Attractive Green fruit Quality, easy picking

    Fruit Length  :  13-14cm  with 5 ridges

    Fruit Girth  :  1.5 – 1.6 cm

    Excellent Tolerance for ELCV

    High Yield hybrid

Kuber - 21

  • Plant Structure  :  Medium Dwarf Plant

    First Picking :  45 – 46 days after sowing

    Internodal Length :  4.5 – 5.0 cm (Medium Internodal with 4-5 branches)

    Fruit Color  :  Attractive Dark Green export quality fruits, thin long Fruit

    Fruit Length  :  14-16 cm with 5 ridges

    Fruit Girth : 1.3 – 1.4 cm

    Excellent Tolerance for ELCV (Recommended for North Zone only)

    High Yield hybrid


  • Plant Structure : Medium Tall Olant

    First Picking :  42 – 45 days after sowing

    Internodal Length  :  5 – 6 cm (Medium Internodal with 4-5 branches)

    Fruit Color :  Attractive Dark Green export quality fruits, easy picking

    Fruit Length :  12-13 cm with 5 ridges

    Fruit Girth :  1.3 – 1.4 cm

    Excellent Tolerance for YVMV and ELCV High yield hybrid